What is Live Listening?

Live Listening allows upper management; managers and up, to observe calls in real time. Live Listening allows for better and faster employee onboarding, efficient quality assurance and productivity tracking.

Live Listening is only available for Managers and up. It can be located in the left navigation of the CRM in “Tools”.

Upon selecting Live Listening, management must wait a brief moment for the system to successfully connect. Once connected, management can now observe real-time calls.

Live Listening Panels

There are three sections to a Live Listening panel that are divided into columns.

Teams (Left): All teams that a manager and above are a part of will be shown. The manager can hide/unhide any teams or users by clicking on the “eye” icon. By hiding a team or team member, management will not be able to see their productivity. Any team member that gets hidden, gets placed at the bottom of the team list. 

Ongoing Calls (Middle): All calls that are being made in real-time will be shown here. Each profile card shows the agent calling with the name and number of the customer. 

Previous Calls (Right): A history of all calls made will be shown in this column. Only the ten most recent calls will show. Management must click “Show All” in order to view all calls within the session.*

Note*: Once the page is refreshed, or if the manager navigates outside of Live Listening and returns, all previous calls will disappear and a new session will commence.

Outbound Calls

Outbound Call Information

As a manager and up, they can click an ongoing call, which is then highlighted in green, and view the agent’s outbound call information. It details, if applicable, the customer’s name, email and address.


Another feature included in the Outbound Call Information is the option to barge into a call.

Silent: The ability to join in on the users outbound call without both customer and user knowing.

Whisper: Similar to the “Silent” feature, manager and up can speak to the agent. This feature allows the manager to train and/or help answer questions the user cannot provide, without disrupting the conversation flow with the customer.

Join: This feature allows the manager to fully join the user’s outbound call. All parties can speak and hear one another. 

Note: If management is part of an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) pool, they will continue to receive incoming calls. Depending on which IVR feature he/she is associated with (Queue or Ring Group - See IVR Documentation), barging will deemed him/her unavailable. Therefore, the incoming call will either be directed to a voicemail or be placed on hold until management becomes available.

Dialer Pad

While barging, the dialer pad will automatically pop-up, as if management is receiving an incoming call. Management has the option to either accept, mute or decline the request to barge.* 

*Note: While management is attempting to barge, the User will not see any UI changes in his/her CRM.