Select Profile on the left menu pane. From the drop-down menu, click Edit Profile. You are then brought to My Profile page. At the top-right corner of your profile, click on thePencil_font_awesome.svg.pngicon to edit your profile.

The categories highlighted in red (image above), indicates what an agent can edit.


Username: Create a unique username to use to sign in to the CRM. Any username taken will be highlighted in red. 

Email: The CRM will send out upcoming notifications to the email provided. 

Profile picture: Uploading a profile picture helps personalize your account.


Dashboard Auto-Refresh: If turned on, the Dashboard auto-refreshes within a certain timed interval. By default, 1 minute and then 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes.


Name: Personalize your account by adding your name.

Phone Number: Add your phone number for better contact information.

Gender: You have four to select. Male, female, both and undefined.

Password: If you are not satisfied with your password, you can create a new one with this option.