Hover over Campaigns, located on the top navigation. Select New Campaign.
You are brought to the Campaign Creation page, where you choose the type of campaign.
Sales Campaign: A campaign designed to promote sales of goods and products with uninterrupted fast dialling, automatic lead queue system and user friendly tools.
Appointment Campaign: Similar to sales, appointment campaigns promote the sale of services that require scheduling. With our intuitive booking user interface, agents can set up appointments with ease.
Step 1: Configure
Name: Campaign must have a name
File name to upload: Upload your .XLSX or .CSV file that contains your lead list
Import duplicates*: Import any existing customers to a new campaign
Ignore DNC filters*: Allows you to ignore the Do Not Call filters
Payments optional*: Allows a sale to be submitted with or without payments
Lead cooldown time*: Enables you to call the same lead once the cooldown time has expired. Maximum of seven (7) days cooldown.
*These settings are optional and will vary depending on your campaign goals
Step 2: Mapping
Use the drop-down list to associate the type of information from columns within your file.
*Note: You will not be able to proceed to the next step until all the columns have been mapped.
Step 3: Result Codes
The result codes page is pre-populated with the most common disposition used by call centers. You can modify the result codes as you need.
Step 4: Scripts
You do not need to use a script for your campaign, but a well organized call script allows you to help your agents’ control the conversation flow with their customers.
To save your new script, simply click on Save As, and a prompt will ask you to name your script. It will then be stored in the Script Manager section. There, you can load an existing script, preview or delete.
Step 5: Finalize & Assign
This page allows you to see the progress of your leads being imported. Depending on the amount of leads in your .XLSX / .CSV file, this make take a few minutes. Once the import process is complete, you will see an overview of how many leads are Valid or Invalid.
You can now assign the campaign to whoever you wish by toggling through the available rooms and agents on the left side of the Lead Import Status section.
Now that you have completed creating a campaign, you have the option to use an existing template or create a new one to save all of your campaign settings. This features is extremely useful when you know you will be using the same settings for future campaigns.